- Full name : Abdul Mujiburrohman Luthfi - GitHub Username : https://github.com/mujibluth - City/Country : Jogjakarta, Indonesia - Mastered Programming Language : PHP, Javascript - Past Projects (free) : Developing a campus competition website - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event and be a part of the GitHub users who enliven this big event

- Full name : Muhammad Akmalul Bayan - GitHub Username : https://github.com/abdul-mujib - City/Country : Jawa Tengah, Indonesia - Mastered Programming Language : HTML - Past Projects (free) : Nope - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event

- Full name : Nur Badana - GitHub Username : https://github.com/nur-bada88 - City/Country : Jawa Timur, Indonesia - Mastered Programming Language : Golang - Past Projects (free) : Nope - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event

- Full name : Mudila Bastora - GitHub Username : https://github.com/bastora99 - City/Country : Jakarta, Indonesia - Mastered Programming Language : Dart, Flutter - Past Projects (free) : SIAKAD Campus - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event

- Full name : Bustanul Mustofa - GitHub Username : https://github.com/bustanul-mustofa - City/Country : Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mastered Programming Language : Golang - Past Projects (free) : - - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event
- Full name : Rahmad Hidayat - GitHub Username : https://github.com/rahmad-hidayat - City/Country : Jawa Barat, Indonesia - Mastered Programming Language : SWIFT - Past Projects (free) : IoS Mobile App - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event

-Full name: Mihir Kishor Indurkar -GitHub Username: https://github.com/Mihir008 -City/Counrty: Html,CSS,Python -Mastered Programming language: -Past Projects (free): Skin cancer detection using deep learing -Reasons to join Hacktoberfest: Because I want to contribute to the the Hacktoberfest Event
- Full name : Bustanul Mustofa - GitHub Username : https://github.com/bustanul-mustofa - City/Country : Sulawesi, Indonesia - Mastered Programming Language : Golang - Past Projects (free) : - - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event

- Full name : Fudial Rohman - GitHub Username : https://github.com/faudial-rohman - City/Country : United Emirates Arab - Mastered Programming Language : Yaml, kuberntes - Past Projects (free) : - - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event

- Full name : Edward Emida - GitHub Username : https://github.com/edwardemida - City/Country : Singapore - Mastered Programming Language : Javascript - Past Projects (free) : Web Application - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event
- Full name : Suraj Kale - GitHub Username : https://github.com/surajkale07 - City/Country : India - Mastered Programming Language : java, C - Past Projects (free) : Android Development - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : Because I want to contribute to the Hacktoberfest event

- Full name : Dural Keys - GitHub Username : https://github.com/Dkeys4 - City/Country : United States - Mastered Programming Language : Javascript - Past Projects (free) : Web Application - Reasons to Join Hacktoberfest : I wanted to contribute to Hacktoberfest, and for added practice